Thursday, October 01, 2020

Un-Presidential Debate

Maybe next week the Vice-Presidential candidates can return things to something more...Presidential (our children are watching how our leaders treat people, you know).

Unfortunately, to say the least, this week's debate was so...un-Presidential (not at all an adequate presentation of the ideals of leadership in the free world), including characteristics like:

  • Chaotic and distracting
  • 'Just making things up' (including numbers)
  • Hyperbolization
  • Self-aggrandizement
  • Pot-calling-the-kettle-black — law-and-order, violence, Russia, etc.
  • Disrespectful — no listening to observations (experiences) of other people
  • Name-calling — what grade are we in again?

It did nothing to exemplify why a debate contributes to the kind of discourse that is needed in and a feature of a healthy democracy.  And, it robbed the people of an opportunity to listen to how facts are viewed from different (even opposing) perspectives and make an intelligent decision (vote).  A reality-TV show model for living real life does not serve this or us well.  

Though I'm not a huge fan of many of the Democrats' ideas; at the very least, they seem to try to address the people's issues.   But, I despise how Republicans run things.  They look so chicken-shit scared of losing power (to either the Democrats...or Donald Trump) that they just don't say anything (ex, taxes, among many other even more things) and pretend as if nothing is happening.

I would say almost everything I see is from the left wing — not from the right wing....

-- Donald Trump

'Everything I see...'it can be frightening to not admit that what we so often see is precisely limited to what we are already looking for.

When we are content and satisfied on the inside of any group, we seem to suffer from a structural indifference.

-- Richard Rohr

From the stats above, 30% of Americans said they were 'entertained' — humans are better than this, or should be.

Let's work against de-humunization wherever it is, but especially in the service of public office...starting at the highest level.