Thursday, September 24, 2020


Power seems to be a blood-lust for nearly all political endeavors. 

The current Republican ideology seems to be preoccupied with power, as if they believed in nothing else other than their own ability or need to preserve themselves.  It will use any rule it can to its own advantage, even if it has to contradict itself to do so. 

You can smell it on Democrats' breath, too (they want it, too...more than ever).  Ideologically, it seems to me, Democrats seem closer to the plight of the common man (you know, those the economy uses up for the benefit of the wealthy).  Unfortunately, their vision too often seems confined to the powers of government; which, in the end, appears to be a self-serving thing...more than it is a people-serving thing.

Power seems to be the king (rather than things like integrity) of the political process right now; when it rules, nearly anything will be done to retain it...or get it.

I don't like much of what either political party is about right now—which seems mostly like confronting the evil of the other party, rather than the people it should be serving. 

So, the irony is, for all the power-seeking going on, both groups seem to have largely lost their real power...which comes from serving the people.

I predict, a third way will emerge—the question is, how long and painful it will have to become for it to happen?