Saturday, February 23, 2013


Long-range goals keep you from being frustrated by short-term failures.

-- James Cash Penney

I was talking to a friend yesterday about his observation that this (his) generation doesn't reflect very much, they just live in the moment.  There is always a risk of over-generalizing, but I found it fascinating.  It seems to me that this is quite a by-product of our times.  In reaction to something, we have really pushed culturally the importance of 'the moment'...and perhaps succeeded.

We talked at length about this.  Thinking about the future really isn't much on the radar...almost an ambivalence to it.  Is it masking a fear -- too much to take on, to truly consider?  He also mentioned the role of consequences...or the lack of it.  'Just do it' seems to prevail (wonder where we got that one?).  Further into the conversation, he reflected on how important the realization is that one thing in life leads to essence, that we have to be thinking ahead.  He is seeing a connection between his action and his opportunities...especially now that he sees something that he clearly wants (which may be the key anyway).

He has a goal...and 'the moment' doesn't need to prevail.  Fun to watch and to reflect on.