Monday, June 22, 2020

Rarely Hear Questions

Ever much people talk about what they think they know?

I rarely hear people asking questions—like "can you tell me more about that? " or saying things like "I wonder what is happening with this."

Is constantly talking about what we know...just another form of self-promotion?  What can I talk about that will make you like me more?

It seems to me that we can learn from talking, at least initially.  We learn a lot more, though, by being genuinely curious—asking questions, listening to others.

But, real knowledge gains seem to come through direct experience—personal encounter with realities other than my own.  It is then that I really know something, not just about something.

Then I don't need to talk to show others what I think I already know.

...sometimes I ask myself, "why am I talking about what I know right now?"