Friday, November 01, 2019

All Saints' Day

'Poem for the week' -- "A Circle":

A Circle expands forever
It covers all who wish to hold hands
And its size depends on each other
It is a vision of solidarity
It turns outwards to interact with the outside
And inward for self critique
A circle expands forever
It is a vision of accountability
It grows as the other is moved to grow
A circle must have a centre
But a single dot does not make a Circle
One tree does not make a forest
A circle, a vision of cooperation, mutuality and care

-- Mercy Amba Oduyoye

In light of the above, on this All Saints' Day, consider this observation adapted from the chapter titles of the author’s book:
  • Jesus is a model for living more than an object of worship.
  • Affirming people’s potential is more important than reminding them of their brokenness.
  • Gracious behavior is more important than right belief.
  • Encouraging the personal search is more important than group uniformity.
  • Meeting actual needs is more important than maintaining institutions.
  • We should care more about love and less about sex.
  • Life in this world is more important than the afterlife (Eternity is God’s work anyway).
-- Philip Gulley

Perhaps, these are our expanding circles.