Thursday, May 09, 2019

Evolving? Transforming?

To love is to pay attention enough to know what needs to change.

-- Micha Boyett

Why are the ideas related to the words evolving and transformation so different (to the ears of certain people)?  Do we not change over time, in almost every way?  What, in fact, does not change?

"Truth!"—there you go, I got you on that one—"that doesn't change!"

So, are we saying that we know (or even can know) everything there is to know about truth?  Do we think we know the sum total of it (or, even the most important parts about it)?

A lot of what we know about truth is evolving (that still leaves room for the possibility that it, in and of itself, does not).  But, unless we say that we are God or know enough of what God knows, our understanding of truth is always growing and, in that way, changing...or, evolving.

What I understood to be true, or even believed in, as a child is not the same understanding (or belief) I have now in my 50s...and I don't expect what I know now to be exactly the same when I am 80, or....

In fact, I would suggest that our evolving sense of things—our faith in them—IS the substance of what is being transformed in us, as we become more awake to ultimate reality of love.