Saturday, February 02, 2013

Good to Complain

One of our more common and basic complaints at one point or another is that our needs are not being met. They can become a general view of things, or more often than not, they can take the form of what we believe about another person -- a spouse, an employer, a church, a friend, a family member. Whether directly or passively, we operate from something as we complain about what we feel we need...that someone else is not giving us.

I caught myself in this the other day. And, it took a good run to sort it out. In the end, through my complaining, I realized that the evidence I had been accumulating was highly selective. The conclusions I was reaching for based on that evidence were leaving quite a bit out. Because the truth needs have been met. Not always...and not completely by another person, but even in those cases a lot has been met that I tend to forget about.

I rediscovered that ultimately, what I really need has already been met and I don't need to require of others that they keep meeting them in order for me to be happy. They don't need to do it and I don't need them to. Everything I really need has already been given to me. I am free to live out of that truth and to give to others without getting everything I want back. When I live this way, something unexpected happens...what I need is met again.

...sometimes, it's good to complain. It exposes some things that I have forgotten, about what is true.