Saturday, December 22, 2012

His Law is Love

We don't often see ourselves for what we truly are...either bad as we really are or for the goodness that is truly within us.

Regarding the former, we are richly deserving of consequences for the sin embedded within us.  At times, I actually forget how true that is.  I reflected recently on a time in my life when I thought I was deeply wronged in an employment situation.  I may have been.  But, it was also true that there were things in my own life at the time that were also deeply wrong and God used the employment situation to get at them -- for my sake, for others' sake, for His sake.  In one sense, He saved me from the end those wrongs were leading to...through this disruption of my life.  He used Pain to reach me, to teach me.  I did not see myself accurately.  I still don't.  But my reflection has allowed me to realize a bit more that I did truly deserve something because of the sin in my life.

But pain goes away with time, not as quickly as it arrives, but it does taper away.  And, so, what struck me this week was that what has really solidified His 'teaching' in me has been...Grace.  Grace has shown me the longer truth that God is really about resurrecting the good that He has put in me by making me in His image.  This is why He is (and we are) so hurt by our sin, because we forfeit this goodness which is designed to be given to others, like He gives to us.  Grace comes along after Pain and shows me that I have not received what I fully deserve...that some of those consequences have been borne by Someone else, on behalf of me.  Grace brings Gratitude to my door and introduces me to her.  Grace is what makes me realize that I don't really want the path of sin after all and that breathes the life into me that doesn't want to reject the goodness I have been offered, in spite of my sins.  So, the final teacher, in my view is Grace.  Pain and Grace both teach me.  And, Grace's voice is often hard to fully hear before Pain's instruction.  But, Grace wins, as it does its final training work in lead me to be what I am designed to be, to who I've been made to be.

Though the verses of this week's posts have pointed me towards something I want, this Christmas season I have felt a strange absence...the absence of something that captures me like a great gift.  Something has felt...pending.  But this reflection on the above has now ushered the great gift right up to my door.

One of my favorite favorite carols puts it nearly perfectly:

       Truly He taught us to love one another,
       His law is love and His gospel is peace.

He loves us too much not to remain firmly committed to our deepest good, that which He put within us.  His love, in that way, is law.  It is hard and fast...and for our sake, it won't budge.  The good news is that through His Teachers and the training process He takes us through in this life, we are also being offered Peace.

Thank God for His many and wondrous gifts to us this Christmas.  It is enough to enjoin me this time of year to Hallelujah!  ...I have not audibly heard this 'chorus' yet this year, but I'm still hoping for the tears of joy it brings!