Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Anxieties of Impotence

The Republican establishment thinks the grass roots have the power but the grass roots think the reverse. The unions think the corporations have the power but the corporations think the start-ups do. Regulators think Wall Street has the power but Wall Street thinks the regulators do.  

In a different way, the American election has been perverted by feelings of powerlessness. 

Plagued by the anxiety of impotence many voters are drawn to leaders who pretend that our problems could be solved by defeating some villain. Donald Trump says stupid elites are the problem. Ted Cruz says it’s the Washington cartel. Bernie Sanders says it’s Wall Street.  Continue here...

-- David Brooks

As a society, we are beset by our nearly universal sense of powerlessness.  So, these days (by our politicians), we seem entranced by those who are trying to persuade us that they can do something about it.  But, we are an incomplete, inaccurate sense of what real power is.  What will it take for us to rediscover real power?