Saturday, June 06, 2015

Week of the Bride, Pt 6: Wedding 'Blessing'

Fatherly Drew and Ryan:

I may not have lived long enough to know, but other than the day you are born, I'm not sure there can be a happier day for a father and mother…than the day of your child's wedding.

From our view of faith, marriage is sacred.  Sacred, in part, because marriage symbolizes at least  two things -- our desire and our commitment.

Drew and Ryan, your desire to be married is a testimony to God, because it demonstrates your commitment to sacrificially love another person, in a way that creates a context for new life...a family. Your love for God will be what binds and sustains this commitment to love each other. And, your love for each other will be what binds and sustains your commitment to love your children, should God bless you with them.

You each have been uniquely made…to pursue these desires and commitments, both toward God and towards each other and towards the combination of you two for your family. Trust that uniqueness in yourselves and trust that uniqueness in each other...something easier to say, than to do. Seek God in everything…in the good times and in the bad times and, perhaps more importantly, in the in-between times. Assume (part of trusting) that God is in you and assume that He is in each other.

Drew, I have so enjoyed our times together and specifically over the last year. Too many to review all here, but I have received an unexpected comfort from your nightly 'good night!' coming down the hall. I will miss that. I have also enjoyed our lunches together...just listening to each other and talking. I will miss that. Can we do a lot more for someone else than to listen to them (to keep listening to them, even when we suspect we've heard it all?)

You have such a beautiful sensitivity about you -- to life, to relationships, and to God. I love this about you and the opportunity to see you again in this way...I know of some of the depths of your desire for God. I will predict that you will encounter both deep pain and deep joy because of this sensitivity. Don't let anything or anyone take this from you; it is your gift, from God. It is your unique way of following him and drawing others to him. All gifts are meant to be given…. Give yours. Give yours to Ryan, even when he's not yet all that he will be.

Ryan, you have an unassuming strength that I join in, and you stay present. You don't seem to make assumptions easily. You have a deep desire to do what is right and good and to follow God. You step toward things, even when they are hard. You have an ability to be persistent -- committed to see things through to the end, even if it is a long way to go (this last year has been an example of that). I love this about you. Ryan, this is part of the gift you have been given. And, because all true giving is sacrificial, I predict that you too will experience pain and joy because of your gift. Don't let anything take this from you; it is your gift, from God. Give what you have been given by Him to others. Give it to Drew, when she's not yet all that she will be.

Drew & Ryan, marriage has purposes that are greater than you two, as individuals. It is through your pursuit of God individually and together that you will each become more of what God has made you to be -- Drew for your beauty to shine, Ryan for your strength to fight and endure. Ryan, like I have had, you now have the wonderful opportunity to help present Drew blameless before God. Drew, you have an opportunity to embolden Ryan's strength and ability to stand humbly in this crumbling and sometimes cruel world. Please know that when both of you do this, you will be reflecting and giving something glorious to those around you.

I am so pleased and grateful for what God is joining together, in the two of you, in your marriage today. You both have my (our) unhesitant blessing. We are thrilled to celebrate with you -- your desire and your commitment to each other and to God.

I love you…both.