Sunday, May 10, 2015

A New Perspective For Moms

A good mother often seems to question herself (a kind of humility) is a gift to know that this translates to a goodness children just innately know from their moms.  Moms are not perfect; aren't meant to be either.  They are meant to be real.  What more can prepare a child to live in this world?

I am grateful for what my mother did for me and for the mother to my kids -- such an instinctual beauty!

There is a joy in giving. Perhaps this is why there is also a thing called 'mothers joy', because mothers have such a unique opportunity and capacity to give, not necessarily because of the joy they will receive, but because they invariably receive it, at one point or another, in one way or another. Can there be a greater joy, then to birth and nurture life in others? Yes, the joy can become unrequited, but nonetheless, the giving continues and the result is still realized, as depicted, at least in part, in this video.