Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Speaking of Gifts: What About the Gift of...Space?

One of the better gifts we can give to each other is space.

Space to stop running, performing.  Space to take a deep breath; space to be again, to listen to what is beating underneath it all...all that fills in our space.

We lose a lot when we don't have space in our lives.  Not the least of which, is the capacity to allow for the space needed in someone else's life.  When we're filled up, we tend to demand that others keep us that keep attention on what I need.  When I allow the space needed to recognize that others need it, too, I am free to require less of someone else to fill what I think I need.  I begin again to imagine them as someone who can offer me something, but is not required to do so.  I can began to see past only what I need and to see what someone else needs.

Space is gift...and like a ripple-effect, it keeps on giving, especially on a glorious eve like this one.