Saturday, February 08, 2014

When You Are Stronger

When you are stronger, you can do more.

I have found this to be true over and over again.  I have seen it in others; why do they seem to be able to do (or be) so much?  I have seen it in myself; recognizing how weak I can be and the tiredness that swims like a remora around that well how much more capacity develops, how much more energy develops when I commit myself to working, growing, discipline, and gaining strength.  This is certainly observable in athletic performances we see in the Olympics.  These people can quite simply just do a lot more than I ever did and, while talent is certainly involved, most of it comes down to the fact that they worked a lot harder at something than I ever did (a lot harder).  And, this made them stronger and gave them greater capacity.

I don't think this is limited to the physical realm either, as I have observed similar realities in others and in myself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  When you are stronger, you can simply do more.

And here's the really good news:

When you do more, you learn more.  When you learn more, you become more.  When you become more, others want to do the same.