Wednesday, January 01, 2014

2014 - What Kind of a Person?

After another year gone by, what lies ahead?

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"Do things become clearer as you grow older or do you just get better at settling for smaller answers?", asks Julie in play called 'Oblivion'.

Growing older doesn't necessarily mean your life gets narrower. It provides countless opportunities to travel, learn, meet new people and expand your horizons.  The problem is...not every person views life as an opportunity to grow and broaden their experiences.

In fact, each of us faces a choice. The world sorts us into one of two types of people. As we head into 2014, I'd like to suggest that you ask yourself which kind of person you wish to be:

One who grows clearer with age: These are the people who embrace change, who recognize that it is inevitable. They don't get shocked when their children become adults, their job morphs into something new, or the character of their community starts to transform.

One who gets better at settling for smaller answers: These people tend to fear change. These unfortunates end up living in smaller and smaller boxes. They keep jettisoning the aspects of life that scare or unsettle them.

Finish reading here....

-- Bruce Kasanoff