Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Post-Election Day Prayer

You creator God
       who has ordered us
              in families and communities,
              in clans and tribes,
              in states and nations.

You creator God
       who enact your governance
              in ways overt and
              in ways hidden.
       You exercise your will for
              peace and for justice and for freedom.

We give you thanks for the peaceable order of
   our nation and for the chance of choosing--
      all the manipulative money notwithstanding.

We pray now for new governance
     that your will and purpose may prevail,
     that our leaders may have a sense
        of justice and goodness,
     that we as citizens may care about the
        public face of your purpose.

We pray in the name of Jesus who was executed
     by the authorities.

-- Walter Brueggeman, Prayer for a Privileged People